Private Lessons

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One on one lessons with a coach to focus on offensive and defensive skills available for both softball and baseball. Athletes will work with coaches to build a plan to improve skills starting with step by step explanations, followed by a rep-based approach with specialty drills. Coaches and players will set long-term and short-term goals over time to improve skills and overall play, making adjustments as players progress.

Coaching will be available for hitting, pitching, catching, and fielding, or we can build an all-around plan for players wanting to improve multiple facets of their game. If you are interested in private lessons please reach out directly to the coaches below.


Softball: Melanie Thomas -

Softball: Bridget Schade -

Baseball: Matt Thomas -


Individual Sessions 

30 minutes = $30.00 per player // $15.00 for Stallions Player

60 minutes = $55.00 per player //  $25.00 for Stallions Player

Multi-Session Packs 

SIX 30 minute sessions .. $175.00 per player // $85.00 for Stallions Player

TWELVE 30 minute sessions  .. $340.00 per player // $165.00 for Stallions Player